Six Feet Over

I finished the first draft of the new short story on Sunday. Came in a little over at 2650 words. Then I did a slash and burn edit. Lots of black ink on the pages when I was done, most of it not from the laser printer. Trimmed it back to 2500 words but many of them were different words. Keyed in the changes this morning and did another editing pass that cut it back to 2400 words. Still needs some polishing, but it’s almost ready to send out. I want to get it off before I leave for NECon.

Speaking of NECon, that was the topic of my Storytellers Unplugged essay yesterday. There are cons…and then there’s NECon.

I did an interview with Bob LeDrew for his Kingcast website over the lunch hour today. We talked about the Dark Tower series and the forthcoming adaptation. I think it will be up later on this week.

We finished watching Six Feet Under this weekend. The finale definitely wrapped things up as neatly and tidily as possible, but I think I was a little let down. When I hear people like Damon Lindelof talk about the finale of the show in the same breath as some of the greats, I was expecting something earth-shattering to happen. Still, it had the proper symmetry for the series. Now we’re looking for something else to watch. Any suggestions? We did Deadwood before SFU. Preferences leaning toward series that have finished. I’ve never seen The Sopranos or The Wire.

Caught up on Haven, Burn Notice and Covert Affairs this weekend. Once Michael said he liked the guy from the CIA, I knew that was his death sentence. Will be interesting to see how that plot point develops. The three stars of Haven filmed this “promo” for the show between takes. It’s hilarious. You’ll never think of “the troubles” the same way again.

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