The tax man

Have you been holding off from buying a copy of When the Night Comes Down because you couldn’t decide whether to get the trade paperback or the ebook? Well, wait no more. If you buy that trade paperback (or any other) via the Dark Arts Books website, you’ll get the ebook for free. What a deal! How better to spend your tax refund?

My Storytellers Unplugged essay this month is a sequel to my February contribution. This one is called  Asking questions or getting answers?

I wrote a few book reviews this weekend. New on Onyx Reviews you’ll find reviews of Calico Joe by John Grisham, The Garner Files by James Garner and Edge of Dark Water by Joe R. Lansdale. I also checked the proofs of one short story, executed editorial changes for another and got a third back into circulation. Slowly but surely getting on top of things again. I also submitted an essay to FEARNet this morning and have another to finish this week.

A while back, the British publisher Hodder & Stoughton invited people to send in photos of themselves to be used to create a mosaic for the back cover of The Wind Through the Keyhole. I found out today that mine is one of the hundreds (if not thousands) that is being used. It’s an interesting effect. I’m not sure that anything will be visible or recognizable on the final printed product, but it’s cool.

Was Mad Men funny this week or what? The fight scene was hilarious, as much for the “audience” reaction as for the participants. Pete (loved the scene where he “auditioned” the hooker in different roles) seems to be turning into Don Draper while Don turns into, hmmm, a good guy, perhaps? His reaction to the name of the UT shooter was interesting—I wonder if there’s supposed to be an implied relationship since his real name is Dick Whitman.

It was a Firefly reunion on Castle this week with Adam (Jayne Cobb) Baldwin appearing as an anti-gang cop named Slaughter. A bit of a change of pace, with Castle tagging along with someone different, a cop who is essentially the anti-Beckett. It was fun seeing them together again. And the promo for The Avengers featuring Nathan Fillion and Robert Downey Jr. after the credits was fun, too.

I have no idea why last night’s episode of House was called “We Need the Eggs.” Did I miss the reference? Something to do with Woody Allen, I’m guessing. A strange episode that went to great lengths to come up with a patient syndrome that reflected on the lack of relationships for House and his team. I guessed the Neti Pot cause right around the time House was sketching it on the board. I remember reading about some people who died or became very sick after using one.

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