While it’s still cool

I was well prepared for yesterday afternoon’s rainstorm. I was once again on my bicycle at work. I watched the radar and saw the red and yellow patches emerge from the west. It grew overcast shortly after noon, but I hung in until 12:45 p.m. when I figured I’d better head for home. I can do a lot of my job from my home office, so I was able to keep up with things. The rain started in earnest at around 2 p.m. and continued for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I would have been an unhappy camper if I’d had to bike home in that mess. Today it is comparatively cool (do you consider 70° cool?) and breezy, so I have the office window open as I work.

The image up yonder (or over yonder, depending on the width of your browser window) is from a scene in Ghost Brothers of Darkland County. An interesting scene in that the characters point rifles at the audience and pull the trigger several times! It’s also a crucial incident in the rivalry between the eponymous ghost brothers, as the outcome of the competition leads to the deadly showdown between them. After a bit of a hiatus from FEARNet because of my book deadline, I’m back today with the first of two articles about Ghost Brothers. Part 1 details the show’s long journey from inception to execution: The Long Road to Atlanta. Sometime next week, I’ll have Part 2, my review of the show.

I also posted my review of Harbor Nocturne by Joseph Wambaugh. I seem to be less enchanted by his recent Hollywood Division novels than many readers. The cops are becoming caricatures. The bad guys are far more interesting. I was really surprised, though, by a plotting choice he makes late in the book. It takes some courage to do what he did, I’ll give him that.

I’ve had a galley of The Providence Rider by Robert McCammon kicking around my office for far too long. That’s my next read. This morning, though, I read the first section of Clown in the Moonlight, a brutal novella by Tom Piccirilli inspired by the true story of a high school student who killed a classmate, claiming that Satan made him do it. He took his friends out into the woods to show them the body, like it was a tourist spot. Lots of sex and drugs and heavy metal. I sense something of a change in direction coming in the second section.

We watched a couple of more episodes of Season 4 of The Sopranos last night. I think we’re about halfway through the season. Tony’s young fellow is growing up fast!

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