You’re the voice

Heard a funny Tom Petty anecdote on the radio this morning. He had a riff but no song. Kept playing it over and over again. Then he got the chorus, which ultimately became The Waiting is the Hardest Part, but nothing more. For a week he kept picking up the guitar and playing the same thing over and over again. Eventually (he said, probably in jest) people started pounding on the walls. Don’t play that any more.

I’m just about ready to tackle a new short story. I’ve had the setting and the scenario rattling around in my head for several days now, but I didn’t have a POV character until this morning. He spoke to me very clearly in the 30 minutes before my alarm went off. It was like he was dictating the story to me. It was a very distinctive voice, too, and completely appropriate to the story. I did some more research this morning and wrote down the first paragraph or two of what I heard as I woke up. I love it when that happens. I have no idea where this stuff comes from.

I kept looking at the clock in the final moments of Survivor last night. It seemed like there was a lot of time left, so I wondered if maybe there was going to be a tied vote. Alas, that was not the case. Troyzan did his best to shake things up, but it wasn’t enough. He should have looked harder for that idol. I can’t believe how dense Christina acted, though. She didn’t seem to mind at all that she was being used as a pawn. It didn’t occur to her that she’d be the one evicted if Troyzan did have the idol. Maybe she knew he didn’t have it, but I don’t give her that much credit. Kat could be a spoiler if she takes charge of her game. She has some strengths—she did pretty well in the immunity challenge. I haven’t written her off yet. That game looked like it could be tough on a body. I don’t know how Tarzan survived throwing himself at the ground like that. And there were some saline implants that might have been vulnerable, too.

Troyzan was virtually unrecognizable after he shaved. The chef at Ponderosa is getting light duty this year: Jonas is doing a lot of the cooking. He even bought ingredients when they went into Apia on a souvenir buying expedition.

Posted my 150th update at News from the Dead Zone yesterday.

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