Two by two

The rain tapered off yesterday afternoon. I don’t think I used the windshield wipers on the way home from work. Then it started up again at about 3 a.m. and it has been pouring ever since. I had a call from the automated weather alert service warning of flash flooding in our vicinity. We’ve had at least 3″ in the last twelve hours and some communities have had 4-5″. Heavy going in places on the way to work this morning because of high water on the roads. Worse downtown, probably.

Last year we had just one day between June and September when the daytime high was below 85°. We’ve had five of them in July alone so far this year. No complaints. I did have to wear my galoshes to get at the garbage dumpster because the water was ankle-deep at the side of the house, but that’s not unusual.

We finished Dandelion Wine last night and moved straight on into Something Wicked This Way Comes. It’s a very natural transition. Dandelion concludes with the end of summer and Wicked glosses over September and dashed into October. I love the lightning salesman scene. It’s been too long since I read it.

Finally got around to seeing the most recent episode of Longmire. At last we find out why Vic is in Wyoming (her husband is in the oil industry and he was transferred). Wait…what? Husband? Why are we just hearing about him now? I liked the story idea: homicide by grizzly bear. I identified the perpetrator the moment the character was first mentioned, long before he even appeared on screen. For no good reason other than a point was made of the fact that he wasn’t at the parole hearing.

The Closer is back for its final six episodes. The first one was intriguing in that it played fast and loose with the rules of crime fiction by bringing in a complete unknown as the perpetrator with only a few minutes left in the episode. However, it was such a surprise to everyone—the audience, Brenda, the rest of the team—that I’m willing to forgive them. I have a theory about who the leak in the department is, based on casting. Two actors from The Closer (other than Kyra Sedgwick) will not be continuing on to the spinoff, Major Case. One of the respective characters is an unlikely leak. The other? A definite possibility.

T minus One for Eureka. I’m glad they wrapped up the doppleganger plot this week rather than ending the series with it. Closing down Global Dynamics is a sensible way to conclude the series, if indeed that’s what they’re going to end up doing. I’m going to miss Colin Ferguson. He’s such a fun physical actor. It was great watching him play against his evil twin this week.

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