How to lose that snarky attitude in no time

My latest essay/review is up on FEARnet. It’s called ROOM 237: Sometimes a Cigar Is a Moon Rocket, in which I review the documentary film wherein five unseen narrators discuss their, um, unique inter­pretations of the Stanley Kubrick film, The Shining. It’s a movie best experienced in small doses, I think, lest the feeling of a vast conspiracy overcome you. I’ve already had one comment chastising me for being snarky (actually, I rather enjoyed being snarky when I wrote it) and pointing out some equally astonishing and amazingly dense exegesis of the film.

I’m working on my interview answers for the April issue of The Big Thrill from the ITW. What a great organiza­tion in terms of providing publicity for its membership. And it’s hard to beat a group where it doesn’t cost anything to be an active member. Their fund-raising activities have been so successful that they waive the fees for actives.

The fans are starting to fall apart on Survivor. After an initial misstep by the favorites, it’s been downhill for these so-called fans. I can’t be alone in being happy that Shamar is gone. I think he messed up the reward challenge by kneeling and taking up most of the room on the tiny platform. His laziness around camp was unparalleled. I can’t pass any judgment on his injury, but apparently it wasn’t Probst’s first visit to the camp on his behalf. The extra clip from the episode featuring Philip was revealing. The guy is smart and you have to wonder how much of his behavior on camera is an act. The clip was amazingly lucid and rational. And what is with this guy Reynold? Is he secretly a major league pitcher? The guy has mad throwing skills. Not good enough to catch up with Philip in the immunity challenge, but almost. Poor guy had to sacrifice his hidden immunity idol only to discover (or, at least, we discover­ed) that no one voted for him except for Laura. It looks like Brendan is finally going to walk the walk instead of talking the talk next week. I’m not sure what he hopes to accomplish by doing this. You’d think a person would at least wait until the merge before sabotaging your tribe.

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