I finished The Monsters of Templeton last night. Quite a good book. The multiple voices from the main character’s history are very well done. You need a genealogy chart to keep track of everyone—fortunately one is provided and updated throughout the book. The main character is very likeable and her arc is satisfying. It’s not an ohmigod-this-book-is-fanatastic book, but it has some interesting rewards as a reading experience.

Big Brother came to a hasty end last night. I wish they would do a two-hour finale show so there would be more time for post mortem. By the time the winner is announced (and they shoehorn in another prizewinner) with only five minutes left, pandemonium ensues and it’s all very interruptus feeling. I’m glad Adam won, but I wouldn’t want to have to be on the other side of the grilling the jurors gave them. That was rough.

I watched episodes two and three of Doctor Who yesterday. I’m happy to report that they are much better than the premiere, though I am far from sold on Donna Noble as a companion. The plots carry on past her strident, pushy character tics. I think honeybees are going to play a role in the series this season. There have been two conspicuous mentions of them already.

It was 54° this morning when we went to breakfast. Brrrrr. Cool weather seems much colder after it has been warm for a week or two. I ploughed forward with novel revisions this morning, but progress is slow. I’m rewriting a lot, and I seem to plagued by homophones of late. Maybe it’s a symptom of fatigue or aging.

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