Jason, jason, jason

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Survivor was case in point last night. Don’t frickin’ trust anyone. Geez. That should be branded on everyone’s foreheads before they’re dropped on the island. He wanted so much to be like Ozzie, and in the end he was. The show is starting to take on an Amazonian feel, and I don’t mean the river. I wonder what’s going to happen with James’s finger. It looks bad. At least he’s getting some (bat) protein. He should have listened to nurse Cirie, though. I was impressed by the way Erik stepped up last night. I would never have considered him a threat in challenges before. I nearly went into diabetic coma just watching ’em eat cake, though.

Yesterday afternoon I spent three hours talking about writing and mystery fiction with a panel of seven other writers and an audience of approximately thirty at the Tomball College library, an event organized by their reference assistant. It was a blast. Panelists came from as far away as Dallas. We spent the first hour fielding questions from the moderator about the myth or reality of how much authors borrow from their pasts and presents in writing. Then, after a snack break sponsored by the Friends of the Library, we opened the floor to questions and engaged the interested audience until nearly four o’clock. At first I was worried that the panel would outnumber the audience, given that the event was on a weekday afternoon, but it was well attended and, by all reports, a success. I sold and signed four books, too, which more than covered gas to get there and back again.

I’m up to Chapter 4 in novel revisions. Still hoping to get through the first draft during the next month.

LOST was boggling last night. The more we learn, the more questions we have. Michael Emerson is so, so good as Ben. That little smirk after his meeting with Sayeed that says so much. He’s lethal, but also vulnerable, and never moreso than last night. I firmly believe we will end up rooting for him in the end, which will be quite a creative feat on the part of the storytellers. When all is said and done, I’ll want to go back to the beginning and watch straight through the entire series to see new light through old windows, or vice versa. One of the most telling scenes from last night for me was Sayeed’s reaction on seeing Ben. He wasn’t angry. Wow.

C.S.I. was very good last night, too. I think I’d put Drops on suicide watch, though. Poor guy. A bastard, but still…Next week, it’s green blood and the return of the aliens theme. Must be something about living in the desert that makes people alien-crazy. I haven’t gotten around to watching Grey’s Anatomy or Without a Trace yet. Busy Thursdays are back.

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